Sunday, August 1, 2010

iMood Sunday Aug. 1st

It's Sunday morning, but I'm still heading into the office nice and early again today.  That will make it a full weekend spent in the office, but there is work that has to get done and sometimes it just has to flow this way.  With luck it won't be another full day.

That said, was there anything in this morning's random music selection that can be read like tea leaves or a mood ring?  Not that I can see, to be honest.  An odd combination of tunes, and a short list (the last tune runs over 8 minutes, and Sunday morning traffic between house and college was almost nil).  The first one swings, but the other three are melancholy.  Maybe that's the connection: it's hard to swing when you know you're entire weekend is one long work day?

  • Pearl Django: Stompin' at the Savoy
  • The Beatles: For No One
  • John Mayer: Vultures
  • Sigur Rós: Ny Batteri

Still, though overcast this morning it isn't raining or chilly, so it was a quiet top-down drive in.  The music was down low so the bird song was clearly audible over the music, and the crisp morning air and crisp morning smells were abundant.  Can't complain about any of that!

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